LOL! I don't think that's really NSFW, but still... The question is.. did YOU get a PS3? I opted to wait in favor of getting the Wii on Sunday and playing through the new Zelda. I know that I'll probably get a PS3 eventually, but only after the supply/demand scales balance out a bit.
I decided to wait. I honestly felt tortured over it, it's pretty sad really when you think about it.
I have a friend who really wants to camp out a Wii, so I am probably going to end up doing that with him if nothing else for the playing ds all night with a buddy.
I hear you there.. I'm only going to camp out if I HAVE to... I just received Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii from Amazon today, so all I need now is the system.. It's my understanding that Target gives line tickets out around 7am, so I'm going to hit the Vista one early since it's very close to my house (and there's a good 8-10 other stores within close proximity if I CAN'T get it there)..
What's your game of choice on the DS right now? I've got Tetris in it at the moment, though we played a bit of Mario Kart at work today. Children of Mana and Final Fantasy III are high on my radar, but I opted to hold off until I get this Wii system and play through Zelda anyways. I'm such a Nintendo fan boy, I know.. =P
It's hard to say what my game of choice is on the DS. I would have to say Tetris gets played alot when I'm with my friends. My wife plays against me and generally wins most of the time. I think they game I feel best about for the DS is New Super Mario Bros. It's just a great, old school game.
Absolutely! Though I have to admit that while I beat the game, I didn't get to two of the worlds.. and I've replayed it countless times trying to collect additional coins and unlock those two worlds.. but yet, no dice. Been a while since I played that.. definitely on my list of games that I'd play again though.. along with Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow.. Meteos isn't too bad either but I played the hell out of it and haven't touched that in a while as well..
Oh but I've got such a wish list right now of games I really WANT to get and play through.. I'm just hoping I'll have TIME when they are released.. FF3, new Castlevania, new Zelda.. new 2D Metroid which you know HAS to happen after the success of the last ones... Interesting how they're all new games based on old franchises...
We all seem to latch on to old fun experiences we've had, and when something comes along that looks like it will add upon that experience in a new way that remains familiar and true to the old one, we're immediately sold. The brain likes familiarity, but with the added challenge of new patterns. Of course, the game play can't venture off-the-mark into territory that hasn't been fun in your experience or too drastic of a change from what was familiar in the first place. (Say taking a 2D side-scroller and turning it into a first-person shooter, or perhaps even just converting to a 3D platformer.. unless you're dealing with Mario who clearly can sell anything)
...and I just realized that I'm completely over-analyzing at 9:24am and without coffee.. I'll just quit while I'm ahead here.. Got stuff to do, such as check in with Target to confirm the line ticket situation for the morning.. Oh and eating would be good too.. =)
Argh! The lines have started already. Just checked out Best Buy and Target. EBGames has none because they don't have enough for their pre-orders, let alone people showing up on launch day. Blah! I don't really want to wait 18 hours.. I'll just check again later...
I have it! Good thing I got in line at 4am because I was #20.. but a whole lot more showed up before long.. Anyways, I've got my Nintendo Wii, and I am happy.. I think I'll take a nap after breakfast now =P
Hi we’re the providers of the software program Video Game Design Pro which helps game designers create and manage their Video Game Design documents. I was specifically contacting you because I think that your blog, and its readers, would be interested in learning about a solution like ours and its benefits on the game design and development community. If you could please tell your readers about it, ask them to offer suggestions for improvement, or just simply link to our site so they could download a trial, it would be enormously appreciated because your blog seems to be extremely popular and it holds a lot of sway within the game development community. Before heading directly to our site to learn more about VGDP, why don’t you check out this funny “commercial” that we put together. It’s actually a nice (30 second) introduction to our program and concludes with a link to our site. I look forward to hearing back from you, thanks!
P.S. - When the movie concludes it directs you to our website where you can download a trial version of the program or learn more about it…conversely, you could just go straight there:
LOL! I don't think that's really NSFW, but still... The question is.. did YOU get a PS3? I opted to wait in favor of getting the Wii on Sunday and playing through the new Zelda. I know that I'll probably get a PS3 eventually, but only after the supply/demand scales balance out a bit.
I decided to wait. I honestly felt tortured over it, it's pretty sad really when you think about it.
I have a friend who really wants to camp out a Wii, so I am probably going to end up doing that with him if nothing else for the playing ds all night with a buddy.
I hear you there.. I'm only going to camp out if I HAVE to... I just received Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii from Amazon today, so all I need now is the system.. It's my understanding that Target gives line tickets out around 7am, so I'm going to hit the Vista one early since it's very close to my house (and there's a good 8-10 other stores within close proximity if I CAN'T get it there)..
What's your game of choice on the DS right now? I've got Tetris in it at the moment, though we played a bit of Mario Kart at work today. Children of Mana and Final Fantasy III are high on my radar, but I opted to hold off until I get this Wii system and play through Zelda anyways. I'm such a Nintendo fan boy, I know.. =P
It's hard to say what my game of choice is on the DS. I would have to say Tetris gets played alot when I'm with my friends. My wife plays against me and generally wins most of the time. I think they game I feel best about for the DS is New Super Mario Bros. It's just a great, old school game.
Absolutely! Though I have to admit that while I beat the game, I didn't get to two of the worlds.. and I've replayed it countless times trying to collect additional coins and unlock those two worlds.. but yet, no dice. Been a while since I played that.. definitely on my list of games that I'd play again though.. along with Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow.. Meteos isn't too bad either but I played the hell out of it and haven't touched that in a while as well..
Oh but I've got such a wish list right now of games I really WANT to get and play through.. I'm just hoping I'll have TIME when they are released.. FF3, new Castlevania, new Zelda.. new 2D Metroid which you know HAS to happen after the success of the last ones... Interesting how they're all new games based on old franchises...
We all seem to latch on to old fun experiences we've had, and when something comes along that looks like it will add upon that experience in a new way that remains familiar and true to the old one, we're immediately sold. The brain likes familiarity, but with the added challenge of new patterns. Of course, the game play can't venture off-the-mark into territory that hasn't been fun in your experience or too drastic of a change from what was familiar in the first place. (Say taking a 2D side-scroller and turning it into a first-person shooter, or perhaps even just converting to a 3D platformer.. unless you're dealing with Mario who clearly can sell anything)
...and I just realized that I'm completely over-analyzing at 9:24am and without coffee.. I'll just quit while I'm ahead here.. Got stuff to do, such as check in with Target to confirm the line ticket situation for the morning.. Oh and eating would be good too.. =)
Argh! The lines have started already. Just checked out Best Buy and Target. EBGames has none because they don't have enough for their pre-orders, let alone people showing up on launch day. Blah! I don't really want to wait 18 hours.. I'll just check again later...
Alright, time to go sit in line and read for a few hours... Wish me luck! =)
I have it! Good thing I got in line at 4am because I was #20.. but a whole lot more showed up before long.. Anyways, I've got my Nintendo Wii, and I am happy.. I think I'll take a nap after breakfast now =P
Hi we’re the providers of the software program Video Game Design Pro which helps game designers create and manage their Video Game Design documents.
I was specifically contacting you because I think that your blog, and its readers, would be interested in learning about a solution like ours and its benefits on the game design and development community.
If you could please tell your readers about it, ask them to offer suggestions for improvement, or just simply link to our site so they could download a trial, it would be enormously appreciated because your blog seems to be extremely popular and it holds a lot of sway within the game development community.
Before heading directly to our site to learn more about VGDP, why don’t you check out this funny “commercial” that we put together. It’s actually a nice (30 second) introduction to our program and concludes with a link to our site.
I look forward to hearing back from you, thanks!
P.S. - When the movie concludes it directs you to our website where you can download a trial version of the program or learn more about it…conversely, you could just go straight there:
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