Monday, August 07, 2006

Sorry Folks

Sorry that I've been neglectings this blog for so long. We are full bore into doing overtime for Echoes of Faydwer these days, so needless to say I've been pretty busy.

There are a couple of subjects I want to touch base on when I get the chance, so I think I'll list them here while it's on my mind.

What's going on with E3?
Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting for Xbox 360
My man purse
I bought a tv but havent talked about which segues into HD programming and upscaling DVD players
SOE Block Party
Upcoming Fan Faires.
The WoW effect.
Quest writing and it's stresses
Guilds of the day versus guilds for life.


The Dread Pirate Guy said...

I'm starting to update my game blog again. Just FYI.

Anonymous said...


post more? :-)